Session Fees & Insurance

Session Rates

The standard session rate is $165/session. The sliding scale (cash pay) rate is typically $125/session but can be lower or higher depending on budget and/or insurance.

Can I use my insurance at Merry Hearts?

Yes! Many people have insurance benefits that cover out-of-network providers. If you look at your insurance card, it may be abbreviated as “OON” for “out-of-network.” There is usually a different deductible and paid amount. Some people have OON deductibles as low as $500 with as high as a 70% pay rate. You can always choose to look for an in-network insurance provider but you may have more options without having to give up on using your insurance.

Will you file my insurance claims?

I stay focused on client care, increase my ability to be present with you, and decrease my burn-out potential by providing superbills to clients who can then submit these to their insurance companies. Most companies offer a way to upload superbills through their websites. If it seems difficult to navigate, you can always use a 3rd party company to help you out such as Reimbursify or Mentaya.

Can I use an HSA (Healthcare Savings Account) to pay for sessions?

Absolutely. You can use your HSA card to pay for sessions, and I provide you with receipts.

What if I don’t have insurance or my insurance has a really high deductible?

Let’s discuss a cash pay rate that fits your budget. I have clients who are happy to pay the full rate ($165), others for whom paying $125 is a better fit, and others whose budgets fit in at a lower rate. If this scenario is where you fit best, here are a few thoughts for your consideration:

The purpose of the sliding scale is to help people afford the mental health support they need. When considering what’s affordable, you may want to list how much you plan to spend on vacations, social events, and other self-care or entertainment endeavors over the next 12 months. Then, you can relate the value of these things to your life goals- both long and short-term. You may sit with the value of therapy in relation to your goals, perhaps using something easy to value from your list to help determine a session fee that is right for you.

A sliding scale sometimes involves sacrifice. You may decide to make do with less in one area of your life because you choose to focus on your personal and relational growth as a higher priority for a period of time. It might be helpful to consider what it means to have enough for you and how making a reasonable, intentional, sustainable sacrifice might be positive for you and those in your life.

When everyone pays a fair and reasonable rate based on what they value in therapy, I find that each client feels good about their contribution, is committed to the work, and my income is sustainable.